A recent addition to DataShine’s functionality is the ability to drag and drop geoJSON (and KML) files onto the web map. This video tutorial shows how you can use the excellent geoJSON.io website to create a file for use on DataShine. I created the tutorial for a first year undergraduate field class (so I refer to fieldwork in it) but I thought it would be of wider use to the DataShine user community.
This is probably a case of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing, but is it possible to query the 2011census data against old Parish boundaries?
I’ve found shape files for the parish boundaries http://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/geography/our-products/other-national-records-of-scotland-nrs-geographies-datasets
and I’ve tried to convert them to json files and add them to the datashine map, but I’m not having much luck. Is this possible? Could you point me to any resources that might help me learn more?
Thanks James, very useful. A simple way of adding the OA outlines that I’m focussed on would also be good for DataShine. Mapit doesn’t always work and is not easy to combine, e.g. http://mapit.mysociety.org/area/E02006808.kml
Chris, you can add any GeoJSON or KML file, it doesn’t have to be one from Mapit. You can also drag multiple files on and that will show the boundaries for each.